best xbox controller for pc

The Best Xbox Controller for PC in 2022

While most PC gamers utilize a mouse and keyboard, millions of us use a gamepad from time to time for good reason. Controllers may provide a more comfortable method to play open-world games like Ho...

Controllerbest xbox one controller

The Best Xbox One Controller in 2022

Whether you're looking for a solution ideally suited to competitive or professional gaming, a solid all-rounder that will fit any occasion, a spare for multiplayer, or to replace your regular gamep...

Controllerfree controller games for pc

Free Controller Games For PC You Can Try

Free Controller Games For PC You Can Try While playing video games, using controllers, usually gamepads, or a keyboard and a mouse is a highly personal decision. Many players rely only on one sort ...

Controllernintendo switch motion games

Nintendo Switch Motion Games: The Best Ones To Try

In some aspects, the Nintendo Switch motion games seem to be a far way from the motion-control explosion that was the Wii. Although joysticks are still present on the most recent console from Big N...

Controllergenshin impact xbox controller

Genshin Impact Xbox Controller: How to Use

Since its release, Genshin Impact xbox controller has been a hit with the gaming community, reaching the second slot in the overall top-grossing game rankings. The gamers enjoy exploring the vast t...

Controllerdiablo 2 resurrected controller

Diablo 2 Resurrected Controller: Which One Is the Best?

Diablo 2 Resurrected Controller: Which One Is the Best? Diablo 2 may be played on the Xbox for the first time with Resurrected. However, a controller is required. The controls may be strange to vet...